Special Update: November 19, 2009
The first chapter of latest Simone & Ajax graphic novel, "A Christmas Caper", is now available to read for free online at ComicMix.com. Click here for the first chapter, and click here for all available chapters. New chapters will be posted every Wednesday through December 16th, with the final chapter running on Monday December 21, just in time for Christmas. Please visit www.ComicMix.com and click on the "Simone & Ajax" icons at the top to go to the latest chapters.
And please continue reading below for more info on this new story, as well as news and ordering info for the upcoming S&A book, "The Adventures of Simone & Ajax" available in January from comics shops, Amazon.com, and other booksellers. Also, there's a short interview with me about the new book on the Westfield Comics site. Please click here to read it.